.. für Spezialisten…





      After I listened to this once in its entirety, I did the psoas release. VERY EFFECTIVE. Continue to do the release several times a day. It’s been in a stuck position for many years, nothing has proven itself more than this technique. Thanks Clif

I discovered the psoas in my healing journey. It is also known as the soul muscle where your deepest traumas are stored. My right one was locked up like a big ball of metal causing issues with my leg, shoulder, arm and hand. I also found that the arch of your feet reflects the psoas. Working on both angles releases faster if there’s lots to release. 


here! My massage therapist did the psoas release technique for me in 2017. It was a huge emotional as well as physical release for me. It was offered for acute back/hip/coccyx/sciatic pain after being injured in an attack by a crazed patient on the job.  Led to me remembering childhood trauma and opened up my deep shadow work. I am eternally grateful for this therapy and to my RMT for holding space for that emotional release. It was a profound experience for me. I followed up with EMDR sessions to process and reduce the emotional burden of those painful childhood memories with my psychologist. Trauma is a visceral experience and I believe we hold it in our psoas, the muscle of the soul, perhaps for lifetimes. Doing the work in this life! Blessings for healing! 🙏

Thanks so much for sharing this!  Very encouraging!!!

Loved it!! Thks for sharing 🧘‍♀️
I had a psoas issue arise suddenly a few years ago — worst pain I’ve ever had Worse than child birth. 
This is important info! 
…what does acronym psoas stand for ?…thank you.




it isn’t an acronym, it is the name of the muscle that is high lighted in the pictures above. I am a massage therapist and I’ve been working for over 30 years… so many issues come from the psoas muscle!

After years of pain in my lower back and numbness down my left leg Clif has given me the simple answer to what has kept me from walking, balancing during yoga, running, sleeping at night.  It is so easy and went right along with the breath exercises that Patricia Cota Robels gave us at World Congress of Illumination.  I believe that the breath I am doing that she endorses is the SEAT of CONSCIOUSNESS that Clif cannot say on the video.  It is what I believe as no one has said so.  Just so you know it is working to relieve years of pain and straightening my spine so I can also receive the chakra codes I need to rebuild my 5th dimensional Crystaline Solar Light body.  I LOVE YOU CLIF AND PLEASE accept my deep and most humble gratitude and my love, Sharon
💓Greetings Sharon,
I’m very happy to hear that you are experiencing relief from your chronic pain!!
To clarify, are you saying that you were prompted by Clif’s recent post to start using the Warrior 2 asana? And you have noticed an improvement already? (I saw that post just yesterday and assumed it was new.) I could use a little psoas action myself.
Thanks for the inspiration! Speaking of inspiration, I need to remember to breathe too. 😉

 I have been doing the warrior 2 pose but with the addition of the Holy Breath described by CLIF and Patricia Cota Robles, I have finally released the psoas and it is gradually as I practice this daily, bringing my body back into alignment making walking, sleeping, my abilities of intuition and imagination and other remembrances and knowing possible.


Thanks so much for this information Sharon. I live with a lot of pain, so I will be following up on this.


 i second that. I’m starting today

Oh wow!  This really resonated with me.  And since Spring I have been actually feeling a physical twinge of pain or weakness in my hips.  First the left then the right.  Thought it was my posture, the cushion height on my chair, and even a lack of estrogen affecting my hip joints.  It came for a while and has slowly subsided!  CRAZY.  I saw this diagram, and once again information comes to light.  But I’ve been aware of the Sky people= Elohim since last year when I began listening to Paul Wallis!  His being A Lindquist Scholar of Ancient text, and actually teaching helped me understand a lot more of the influence the Annanuki (Termed Elohim, the Sky People, by the Judahians that began the Jewish religion)
Being a light worker I’ve been aware since 2011 that I hold onto energy in my lower Chakras. That’s where the density seems to settle. Hum… wonder if that is connected to what Clif is talking about?




Tribunals Of The US Military – High Crimes And Treason – 8/29/24..

Tribunals Of The US Military – High Crimes And Treason – 8/29/24..

Tribunals Of The US Military – High Crimes And Treason – 8/29/24..

Heavy stuff.

Bombshell!!! List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles – “We Have It All” ~Q!

Bombshell!!! List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles – „We Have It All“ ~Q! – amg-news.com – American Media Group

Bombshell!!! List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles – „We Have It All“ ~Q! Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!


Guantanamo Bay – American Media Group

List of Famous People Arrested & Executed ‚The Movie‘ – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles: Kimmel, Oprah, Biden…

🐬 Joleen D 🐬

The Hangman has been working overtime…




Really interesting.  Nitty gritty of the draconians reptiles.
Well! These reptilians are  really starting to piss me off!
Strazi [Ra Z Lab] – 6 months ago

Wenn Sie mich fragen: DIE KUST IST, mit denen NICHT dauernd in der Linie zu hängen. Telepathie.. ist restlos nervtötend. Und Sprehcnedwerden zwischen Echten aus augabenerfühllung auch in feinsten Wortgeweben, herrlich, gut, funktioniell. Klappt und sitzt! WOBEI: Gespräche zwischen den klaren, also geklarten Teilen beider Wesen stattfinden können, und der andere Teil nimmt diese erst wahr, wie Pakete inetwa…. wenn um sie oder ihn die Raumbedingungen UND seine eigenen, mit den besprochenen als kosmische Wesen-Inhalten stimmig sind. Dadurch kann die Familie mitklaren, Werkwege, alles. DAS ist, was ich liebe, und man mit mir… oder ich mit anderen.. es kommt da einfach zu einem zuerst Klang.. dann fühlfeint man, versteht, „wer?“, und dann entflicht sich ein feinstdimensionales oder nahezu erdewertig natürliches Gespräch. Das kann brücken, das kann, wie gesagt, von einem der beiden, das kann ich sein, das kannst du sein.. es geht um Werden!! Fördern!! Reifen mithelfen… Neues errichten oder einrichten, und das gut machen… __ erst zu dem Zeitpunkt dann in die nunmenschlichen Bewußtseinsgewebe einsinken, wenn das für das Umfeld und den Menschen selbst nun KONKRETEN Sinn auch macht. Wir arbeiten ja ständig vor…. was dann Wirerdegeschehen wird. Nur haben wir Menschen dabei herzensanliegen und Raumanliegen, also das umfassende Atmen.. und Schufererkraxn.. sind eben service-to-self, wie das genannt wird, daß diese…..-rassen sich ja selbst ruinieren. Ich meine, DIE HABEN JA SELBST ÜBERHAUPT KEIN LEBEN ÜBER IHREN HÄUPTERN!!! Die haben keine Zukunft, die haben keine Geschichte, die haben keine Künste, also Zeitfeinungstätigkeiten.. niiiiiix. Die liegen nicht im Werden!! DIE hat man hierhereingepfeffert?
WIR WERDEN ERGRÜNDEN, welche Wesen das tun zu dürfen meinten…. und dann gemma scheeen aufwartn, unsere Aufwartung mochchn.
Wahr: Menschen, die immer noch nicht mit Menschen loyal handeln, sind in unserer Rasse das Hinterletzte, JA!!



R2 l ____Neun der Münzen      m ____Page der Schwerter      r ____Zwei der Schwerter

R3 l ____Der WAGEN     m ____Fünf der Münzen      r ____Der MOND

faszinierend ist, daß kaum große Arkana kommen.. ein Nebenjob für die Erde?







___Zwei der Kelche

___As der Stäbe


___Page der Münzen




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