




This thread about NPC’s seems to be the best area to share my childhood experience in my perception of the world:  I used to think that I was in a world created around me and everyone was playing a role like an actor in a play. At some times I used the words “out to get me “ but calmed myself with the term “ role acting in a play”. I had this belief from early grade school until about 20yrs old. I finally convinced myself it was a bad case of paranoia. I finally let the theory go.
In hindsight, those past few years I had referred to that time period as being partially awake but just couldn’t completely wake up and fell back asleep until about 2005 (26 years later) when I started my spiritual awakening. Yet with all this talk of NPC’s it adds another layer to this. Hmmm….

I can think of a couple of trolls on this platform that fit this bill…

  • Funny!  I’m beginning to think trolls can’t help themselves because they are probably NPCs…

This place is a dream,
Only a sleeper considers it real,
Then death comes like dawn,
And you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief.

I love that this topic has garnered so much discussion. It’s an interesting subject that I think is absolutely worth such deep exploration. We’re right now in the process of figuring out what it means to have awareness of yourself as a soul–we’re doing that by looking at the opposite–to have no awareness of yourself as a soul.

Very good discussion. This is much needed, and as alarming as the „prompt“ was, I think we’re doing ourselves a great service in exploring the idea.

  • Yes.
    SO necessary, so contributing, so teaching and „e_ducating“  (leading out of helplessness AND SOLITUDE) as well,and grounding a beautiful culture of talking to one another and listening, i.e. reading and letting sink in.With you, thank you for expressing!

    [dal lat. educare, intens. di educĕre «trarre fuori, allevare»
    comp. di e – 1 e ducĕre «trarre, condurre»] ( io èduco, tu èduchi, ecc.; ant. o poet. edùco, ecc.)__conduct out of

    One further aspect could be: not to ask/heart-wish// something from someBODY that cannot do this (doesn’t have, lacks: the nature). I will not ask a little child to help me with my luggage. If I know there are different human(?) natures, I will not feel wrong myself or calling this the „other one“ in case: if I am allowed to understand that we…. do exist out of very different roots or even threads…

    That we are kind of heart-races…. and we do not find together with the senses of 3D but with feeling structures that start tingeling with joy.. recognizing one another.

    a sort of inner landscape of tribe and strangers.. ?

  • its awesome isnt it? does anyone fear it?? you shouldnt..

Years ago Lily Kolosova  made videos on youtube where she mentioned this number of 80%.  I never could wrap my mind around it.  It seems way too many.  I have met many members of the small community where I live in my counselling job and only a handful seemed like they could have been soulless. Feels more like 20% soulless to me.  I do wonder how many are ETs posing as human. Perhaps the ETs are here to observe?

I hope that is not true…..hmmmmmm

For many years, from many spiritual teachers, I have heard that it takes a small percentage of the Collective (aprox 10%) to change the direction of humanity.  If this is accurate, then the 25% figure that Val New speaks of, is actually a solid number. The key is to have the 25% awake and working on their ascension, thus contributing to the ascension of all humanity.

Sally, this is a much more positive way to approach the situation. Thanks for bringing this more hopeful perspective.

Dolores Cannon and several others have spoken about NPCs and I am more in line with what Dolores Cannon says about them, and not to make a big deal about it. I feel the 75% number is fear porn. Yes, there is definitely a % of NPCs and there is always a reason for such things existing. WIth things like this, I always look to the bigger, grander picture – there is reason they are here either for their own spiritual evolution, or something else the Universe has in mind that will be revealed.  I also beleive Megan Rose has been compromised way back almost 18 months ago and has had no contact with Val Neck. It does sound realistic to me that Val Neck nor the Galactic Federation would reveal such information – what would be the purpose? I also feel the 75% sounds very exaggerated. I feel this comment about NPCs is extremely exaggerated to generate fear.

  • I don’t feel any fear regarding this.I’m curious and excited to learn.

Pretty sure The Deep Dive video also confirmed this.

Val Nek is just a guy from another planet trying to explain the genetic and spiritual composition of our planet. He may be right, but I sense this is over simplified and there is more to it. Val Nek is not source, a spiritual source. 
Megan Rose,  in my opinion, is not compromised. She was blasted by others, even a negative post on their website about her. That’s highly suspect. Doesn’t that usually mean she is a threat to the dark ones and the AI agenda? Like Trump? 
NPC’s? It may take awhile to understand this one. I think Gene Decode calls this segment of the population mankind. The rest are humans. 


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