Interessiert Sie ein Gespräch über Seellose, also Scheinmitmenschen?






flabbergasted: feeling or showing intense shock, surprise, or wonder;

utterly astonished: amazed, stunned, shocked, astonished, surprised, horrified, appalled, dumbstruck; 



Maybe it differs form place to place.

One feels them BECAUSE you don’t feel all the colour and sparkle and sound and attentiveness and liveliness of a regular encounter with another human. 

One is alone with a grinnig face/and one FEELS not to be understood at all <<. _________kind of funny to say: you feel clearly that your conterpart is UNABLE to.. be „together“ with you: happy, silent, dreaming, empathic.. 

staying calm, one identifies them easily. One must renounce to the wish for „normality“. If you accept it, it’s simply there.
I love real people just more dearly now that I’m ok with granting to perceive soul-less humanoid beings, in case, and (where I live) lots of VERY reptile-cold ones, too. And I now understand that my parents and grand-parents educated my sister and me to feel them, but not „to perceive“ them: not to let THEM feel that we knew they are different. To walk calm amongst them. Here the war was quite strong; 

and this now, afterwards, it seems to me a very good feel-teaching, never put into spoken words, „to make us children survive“ in this world, after the war. Where all those VERY strange beings still walk around. Not all of them went away from Europe!!

Well.. just some thoughts…
for me the strongest difference is that „they are not rooted“, not rooted in love for Earth’s living body. THEY are stranger against the earth herself than against us, in a certain way… and this makes them kind of „flat“ without the playful depth of real earth-humans enjoying to meet.

Have a nice evening!





there is supposed to be a mass die-off – maybe that’s what the solar flare is for – soulless entities cannot exist when that happens




maybe….. megan is just pretending…..
  • if I were wonderin who’s stealing J’s content, my bet would be on you. You never have anything of value to add. Just total negativity. 
  • Megan was getting the info from Val Nek – she was just as shocked as the rest of us.




I don’t believe this.




I just watched that, can’t possibly be true? 





Sit back and watch people. Look in their eyes…




I don’t believe that either.  




That explains all the crappy rude drivers 


I don’t believe that either.




I know! Mind blown. And this on the heels of Js NPC read last Friday. I’m dying for some clarification. Remember, this reveal won’t be this ah ha for just sleeping. Its clear we’ll all be gobsmacked




That would explain a lot of things ? 




I have a theory about this – that is, that many incarnated with souls but found life on earth too difficult and left their bodies but are still corded/have not physically died. I have this with my mother. She is still alive but an empty vessel – like a robot running a program. I have spoken with my mother’s soul who confirmed this. That may account for the high percentage of NPCs… 
  • What you say meets my silent impressions. I thought those persons who let their body alive on earth without living a life.. that they where so afraid of threspassing..?
Those empty vessels furthermore seem portals to me, for other entities. This needn’t be bad, could be family members passing by from the Otherworld… 
  • it explains how those NPCs got here and why they will leave as the energies continue to intensify. 
  • in my little thought-work I try a further thought-category. I try this model of understanding as STANDING <:we are dewdrops of cosmic essence
    into weaving space already unfolded.Thus, our essences create sort of bodies, structures and among those moving communicating fields. We create sort of a meeting room between THE ROOMFLOW and our essences. Like the pulp around a kernel mediates the kernels qualities to the naturally surrounding nature.And to me it seems, that this essence can be used and reused, broken, divided, sucked… (sorry to say, but it seems to be „natural decay“: ONE of the methods, just 1 of several possible ones.), as they talk of the dome erected by the anunnaki=spacely sub-systems… BUT THIS:doesn’t apply to different beings with different, free indivdual living-being-spaces, that seem to be completely differently struktured. Those are NATURALLY and indestrucibly in unisono , in TRUE AND BREATHING unisono with the whole = freely volving, cosmos.Those partial – broken or just imitating shadow-beings… do have a completely different type of „spark“, They do not live in naturally coluorful sound-empathic ways. IN MY little thought-smithy it depends on your multi-up to all-dimensionally resonant being-spacewhich kind of spark, or which kind of beautiful soul _ THE JOYFUL YES TO CREATION, THE WEAVING BECOMING.TISSUES…_______your subtle structures and their spinning can hold,“love to be“. so the soul needs structures as her „housing“. If those are primitives.. that cannot be moved by an allresonant soul-light-sound-weaveing body. (Light becomes sound an colur if beautifully mixing with „matter“; so colur and natural life is the working form of „The Light“, and, in my mind, the mor prescious one.)So those secondhandspark-holding being-struktures imitate bodies, of the world they happen to sink in/to be trapped: them being overtaxed, exhausted, overcharged /as all those maroding parasiting ET-mix-races in the depper look at them and us//, stretched (too) thin,  „drinking from the fire hose“.... but they are unable to really become living, evolving of this or that dimension… THEY ARE NOT PART OF THE JOYFUL LIFE of a natural space like planet earth, this living being.This is.. what at this time.. I find.
Explains Alot 




My question would be has the vaxx caused the souls to leave the contaminated bodies?  I value my source connection above all else, & I would flee my body, before I would give up my source connection! 🙏👀💫
  •  this is exactly what I have been wondering too!! I’m wondering if this is why the numbers are so high!



I am interested in this too… I have been drawn to this subject the last couple weeks, my question is can a human with no soul awaken ???  And if not then what’s this whole movie about ?? Are we trying to wake them up or not ?  something is not adding up here. That spark of knowing and intuition (higher self) Remembering who they are and what they are here for would not Be there, right? Can a soulless person still understand the concept of the higher self and the esoteric ? Is that why the WH are going softly, and is it because of us and our awakening not theirs ? 
  • I think this is somewhat tackled in the movie Bladerunner
  • Oh .. ok I will see if I can find it and have a look 😀
  • souless cannot awaken. there is nothing to wake up…

I agree with the Digital Soldiers theory. I was a Volunteer Reiki Practitioner at a hospital for years before COVID and gave healings to staff, patients, and visitors.  Some patients were out of their bodies having experiences elsewhere (they would even gather and stand at a distance to watch me give healings to others in the hospital and cancer center-  always learning).  Others actually had other Beings in their bodies.  The frequency vibration and all around energy was off.  I have found that these Beings mainly want to experience the 5 senses.  Many times the agreements made with these Beings can be ended and original frequency/soul connection restored.  Sometimes these souls are experiencing adventures elsewhere on other planets, etc.  

Two key questions to ponder… What are they wanting to experience for their own growth, awareness and understanding?  What do we want to experience for our own personal growth, awareness and understanding?  

I have found that I don’t need to be the fix all or understand everything that  I`m seeing, feeling, experiencing in these healings, or life in general.  I just need to observe, witness, and ground the light codes and love into all spaces and places and harmonize the energies.  Everything is energy and all energy can be transmuted.  

It is hugely important to have your own boundaries and keep your own energy clear.  Some super effective „tools“ I’ve learned is imagining gold tornado spinning roses gliding around the outside of my energy field to collect and ground down energies I don’t need that may have been flung my way or puked on my space.  I can let the Earth swallow up and transmute those energies and create new tornado spinning roses in the present time as often as I want.  The gold color is so I can be neutral to whatever energies are flowing my way.  Also I like to activate my healing light body by imaging/visualizing my crown chakra (energy ball above my head) white and as it spins, it clears out old energies and gives me a really nice healing.  Spinning it gold and re-grounding keeps me neutral in this present time and just really allows the love and new light codes to flow in.  It feels fantastic.  The beauty of this is you can use these tools anywhere, and even do this while standing/sitting with others so their „higher-selves“/souls can see and they can do it too. 

Sometimes it isn’t easy to just observe what is happening but I’ve learned to trust my instincts.  Help with what I am guided to do, and enjoy what I can along the way. 

Sending lots of love and hugs to all of you…. 

  •  Wow. Lots packed into your comment. Thank you! Peace
  • Beautiful!!
    Thank you very much, Candice.
  • …gold tornado spinning roses… beautiful image, thanks.
  • wow, indeed! thank you!
Yup. This has me all confused. I also remember someone in the community saying that the NPCs don’t know they are. So they think they have souls. I’m going though a checklist of family and freinds and thinking 🤔.  How would someone even tell the difference?  75% means I’ve been wrong about most people I’ve known. This one really has me confused. 



Bull Shite!
Wow I don’t know what to think. If that is correct is it possible that amount just enabled us to further our journey. So those that have even a little awareness are actually moving along because of the Npc folks. I keep getting foot soldiers are a huge part of this. Like they made their soul contract long ago to see it through, not matter how it make them look. My awareness keeps going to the secret societies, 6 million members and more. So integrated into our ascending world, could it be possible? We are all aware of mafia or organized crime. So many complicit people, involved knowingly or totally unaware in activities. Going to be lots of grey areas I think.





I think Ismael said something similar to Val Nek, maybe a bit less like 60%. I know Megan was astounded but it is not a shocking thought when you think about it. With the rebirthing of our populations with cabbage patch babies when the cabal were doing resets, it makes sense. It’s all the clones, AND it is the ET’s that are living amongst us unknown to us that they are from other planets. Val Thor came from Venus and spent years at the white house as a guest of the president of the time. He looked like a handsome man, nothing scary about him but he was an ET. Not saying he is soul-less but using that as an example. How do we know how many have visited and stayed from other planets if they look like us?
  • Good point perhaps only 25% human with a soul. Does that mean the rest are npc or could they be others beings here to help, they must have a soul. So maybe the soulless hate filled beings may not be that many. What I see in my world are people who are mostly good. They are kind and considerate for the most part. Sure the jerks are around but something made them that way. True evil is another thing completely. No denying it, it’s real. 💜💜💜💜
  • Could we think of different soul-types?Because a, say, pleiadian soul seems SO DIFFERENT to me than an earth-human soul.
    In the end.. the one and the other is immersed in completely different kind of spaces…?
  • But don’t forget Pam that some of the NICEST people are the ones that work for the cabal too. I was listening to a Nicholas Veniamin one the other day from a designer and he was talking about how the nicest people approach you to join their group. They come across as nice when they are trying to coerce you. If they really want you, they change tactics. Maybe get someone else to blackmail you. When we think of all the Hollywood actors who ended up cabal, you have to question what types of NICE people approached them in the first place. Jessie Czebotar is talking today about Nazi’s posing as priests when they came over to the US on Operation Paperclip so they can remain hidden as Nazi’s. I guess what I am saying is we just have to always be cautious of everyone. I found out my brother was a sociopath at around the age of 25. Before that I didn’t know. Now I am thinking he is an NPC. That is why so many people have failed marriages. They may have had a 4 or 8 year courtship before marriage and then find out after that the person they married is nothing like what they thought. Classic example was Olivia Newton John. She was 36 when she married and she was cautious and yet she found out later she was incompatible with the man she married. Just saying we can never be 100% certain of anyone but we shouldn’t let us continual living, we just have to be more aware.
  • Yes I would agree – soul types can relate to the other ETs from other planets. It’s the clones that were made up like the cabbage patch babies that went on to have children that have created the numbers of NPC’s and in families where people are human, if they partner is an NPC clone without knowing, then the children could be a mix. ANY family could have NPC’s without realising it.
  • good point. I feel that there are many actors wandering around earth right now. BTW no offense intended to any actors. The actors I’m referring to are the footsoldiers of the cabal. They intermingle with humanity in every aspect. They are so good at pretending they are nice and good, authentic folks get fooled. I’m no expert but someone in my immediate family shows sociopathic tendencies too. They are master manipulators always planting seeds of chaos. It’s the craziest thing to observe once you see it, but it becomes quite predictable at least in my experience.  Nothing is a surprise anymore with this person. If I could completely detached I would. Any who thank you for your comment. I totally agree.




We asked our guides about the US and they told us only 1/3 are human.  But they also told us star seeds are hybrid humans like Trump.
  • this is quite the journey we are on!


[Keep in mind this is ‚dated‘ material but it did help me come to terms w/this NPC concept. Also, my understanding is, The Ascension will free us all from ‚Karmic Debts‘.]

My Notes complete w/my own reactions/thoughts…
Nothing is REAL…it’s all ENERGY…it’s all ILLUSION! (Wrap your head around that!) You’re CREATING it’s EXISTENCE! This is YOUR MOVIE! What are you Creating? What do you want to Create (beyond what your Ego Mind ‚thinks‘!)

Thinking is the culprit here. ALL of who we are and are capable of was born withn us/into us…it was INNATE. And then, instead of that being ’nurtured‘ within us, it was slowly, over time, conditioned out of us and ‚thinking‘ was programmed into us; i.e. thinking from the ’socially conditioned‘ concepts, perspectives and beliefs from our generational ancestors; and here we are, trapped in the Matrix; or so it ’seems‘.

This is the work of the 3D Human. To get/go beyond that conditioning/program ming and FREE the TRUE SELF.

They have no Soul because this is their first incarnation…they are of the densest Energy. Interacting w/them = you’re ’scripting‘ them within your movie which accelerates your and their evolving; they also evolve based on your interaction w/them (they do not have ‚free will’…this is their first time incarnating) so they are being benefitted also; just their ‚existence‘ in our movie is aiding all of our evolution Collectively. Basically, we’re all aiding each other; i.e. the lowest density Back Fills, may be violent…from that, what are you learning by their actions? We’re ALL aiding each other.

Back Drop and Back Fill People – Dolores Cannon & Guy Steven Needler

  •  Kind of like the Truman Show. 
  • Kinda? We are living in AND Creating the Truman Show. If you look for my latest posted documentary ‚JFK to 9/11’…if you can get through that (it took me 4 days), your entire life will be altered by what is revealed. [p.s. It’s not just about JFK and 9/11…it’s about the History of our corrupt Governments over time.] Blessings to all! 🙏🌟❤




This was helpful.




Could it be people with Borderline personality disorder?
  • Personality disorders develop because of broken attachment caused by trauma and neglect in the first two years of life, making the brain develop abnormally. They can absolutely happen to people with souls. They are not inborn.
  • BPD people are narcissistic psychos, not necessarily soulless – just act that way. 
  • I had a brother that was narcissistic and turned on his 2 beautiful parents and me when he got involved with a woman and had a baby at around 25. Won’t go into that but the reason turned out to be he had been raped obviously by a well known paedo in our church who committed suicide the day he was due in court for multiple charges. My ex-brother never admitted it to my parents but they always suspected because of the way he treated them. Turns out he really blamed his mother as she was the church goer in the family and had him in the local church boy’s group CEBS. So his personality disorder definitely has to do with trauma and he hasn’t changed. I haven’t seen him for 12+ years and never intend to again and he lives in the same city.
Is this why so many asleep??
  • Exactly, YES – makes sense, doesn’t it!





And what if from the remaining 25%,  half is vaxxed?
I don’t believe that.





I don’t understand people who are supposed to be of light being so detached and cold towards other humans to say they have no soul. I’m starting to question this whole narrative.  I don’t want to hate my family for the sake of spirituality.  How is that love and light? Can you imagine how devastating that would be for most people?
  • where did you hear people say NPC are not loved?
  • My entire family is like this. I still love them.
  • Agreed, Marsha. We ourselves avoid being taken over by evil by remembering forgiveness and love, and not fearing. I don’t think I believe in NPCs. It strikes me as ridiculous. Maybe I am wrong, but I would rather not think of the majority of everyone as not having a soul. Remember namaste. Sort of the whole reason we are here. What could be more helpful to the dark ones than to make us stop believing in our fellow human souls?
  • You don’t ever have to choose hate. 
  • agree. To me the soulless narrative about humans is dark agenda
megans source is a cartoon alien that lives on jupiter…
  • it’s best you stop with the lies on this forum and don’t comment at all. Have some respect for the great help Val Nek and Megan are giving us. Your comment is pure low vibrational stuff. 
I have thought on this and I just don’t see that.  I do see people who have lost connection with their inner light.. usually those who have made the choice to escape into addiction and even those have a path back by simply asking.  I have known people who fell hard doing prison time for their crimes and yet found a way back. Usually the inspiration was Love.. a child, a significant other etc.  I also dated a guy who battled within himself all the time I have known him.. his biological father may very well have been an NPC.. drugs and addiction and attempted murder ruled his life… while we were together he fought to do the right thing.. he joined the Marines and has never been the same.. when I last saw him I felt he had lost the battle for his soul.  He has been in and out of prison and is heavily into drugs.  If you think about the whole Antifa thing played out.. it was like a swarm of people who had no conscience for what they were doing.  Those may have been heavily NPC infiltrated.  Government officials may also since some of them seem to have no conscience and those they surround themselves with may also be.. as with any information I receive I take it with a grain of salt and think through it.  We have to use our own judgement and decide how we are going to move forward.  I try to cast a light energy around myself and people either gravitate toward it or away from it… 





i met a person with a soul yesterday and I was overjoyed. What a beautiful connection! It made me so happy. She is a kind service provider and I’ll never see her again, but I feel happy she exists. Weird, huh? So, I believe it’s true that 75% have no souls.
  • I couldn’t give it a percentage but I DEFINITELY agree with your words. HEART HITS! One feels to awaken to a completely different way of being that usually we do not even „offer“ anymore. Because this grey mass doesn’t take it.


Megan Rose is pretending to have communication with Valnek! The galactic federation of world found out last October that Megan was compromised through dark forces! Since then Megan been lying about her contact!
  • seems you swallowed Elena’s jealousy pill. Smh, Megan has a high vibration, Elena vibrates very low.  If either has been compromised, I’m betting its Elena.  

  • Oh don’t like this type of back stabbing comment and it’s such a sweeping statement. 
  • time will show!
  • Alex Collier, Elena Danaan and Dr Michael Sall
  • All 3 you mentioned sadly have been compromised, not Megan. Don’t make comments about second hand news. J adores Megan and vice versa and has done the cards ..Megan is a pure soul and Val Nek is very much her contact. You are believing the lies you are being fed sadly. Elena was compromised a long time ago sadly .
Honey Golden addressed NPC’s in her Questions and Answers YT video yesterday.  Worth a watch.
  •  I love Honey Golden’s info. It resonates with me. I love her chats with Lisa on current events too.
  • You should have put the link down. 
  • Audience Questions Answered! With Honey and Juliann



 The 75/25 balance balance between NPC and soul based humans seems odd to me . I was under the impression the cabal/ black hats are into harvesting human loosh, – negative energy, blood and spiritual purity depending on the age in question.  So with that in mind, how does it work to have less than 30% of the world population with a soul who would be emotion based and source linked – an important aspect if you want to harvest high energy loosh I would imagine. According to what Ashley and J found during their deep dive Friday recently, NPCs are pretty keen on following the status quo which means most of the time they would not feel pissed off, fear, dread , anger  thereby reducing the amount of loosh if they are capable of creating such a product that the cabal would want to harvest.  The other thing Ashley and J found, NPCs need to be with a soul based human before they can create off spring – how in the world have they managed to reach 75% of the world population? Even if they all teamed up with  one of the 25% of soul based humans and produced off spring ,  statistically  it seem highly improbable they would still reach 75% of the planet population of humans.
  • Agreed.


Good question. I have one which has been bothering me since I first heard about ‘the party substance’ and ‘med beds’. Surely if the elites have one method of staying young they don’t need both, do they?
  • Great point! Maybe med beds just don’t work without spiritual evolution. I doubt the cabal can make them work.
  • that’s why I don’t believe in med beds


Hmmmm. I have studied the teachings of the great Sages, enlightened Self realized beings(such as Sri Ramana Maharishi), and it appears that the terms individual self, soul, and ego all mean the same thing. If the NPC have no soul then they have no ego. Do they act at all in self interest?  Some of the descriptions of these people seem to suggest sociopathy or psychopathy.   I think that many want to see the ego as something bad and the soul as something good or “spiritual”.  The ultimate truth is that all of this is a dream and we are dream characters in this illusion.  Probably not a popular belief but there you go. 
  • As I’m able to see it, the so called Ego, which would be your kindness and a glass of tea or water you would put before me, telling me to take a seat.. <<. and vice versa!!is the threshold of becoming selfaware, „in-dividual“.IF you take joy in being you with others, liking your we-I and your I-weyou pass beautifully between you (your holy inner, evergiving well realms through the holy portal and window and orefice ego back and forth, which means heartworking, gardening both; and thus one is the strength and clarity and health and joy of the other)and us and the landscape and the earth around you. YOUR E-go! GOES heartfully meeting all you find around you. You have a wonderfull willingness to learn, to contribute, to be silent and waiting, or THE WAVE <<. .. you are loved by us, and you are, RIGHTLY! a fresh pleasure to yourself, BECAUSE LIFE is rich, und you gladly part of it.And IF you find yourself broken or something else brocken, you will try to bring it together, to help it heal.
    ______________::::::::::::::::: YOU try to restore long waves, natural waves in a beingDIFFERENTLY „the outer skin / communicating configuration / „: of the self awareness, beginning consciousness of self of a NO.GO.BOBO.EGO. __________::::::::::::: THOSE break all waves and fields into THEIR dead plaything Masturbating in selfpity, judging all the other beings as inferior to her, to him and all the uglyness OR UNDIGESTED e_motions from within itself: calling it „the others“, BECAUSE OF LACK OF LOVE FOR life in itself. (It’s like finding to have a uterus, AND NOW CRAWLING BACK INTO IT, furthermore hating everything outwards.. without, we see this point: ever really having met this „BAD SPACE thereout“….. now such an ego embarcs in ever thickening coping mode. They already meet you at your very  1st encounter with you as  „YOU, THE SINNER, the bad one, the untrue, the ugly…..“ COPING MODE, classic.)THIS is an Ego, becoming wall – suffocating suffocator—— and bowl, never filled with the light of the stars, never taking and containing gracefully a smile given from the outside.THOSE EGOS simply failed to find their way_their greacefully very own way_____
    ______________________free will!!__________________________________ back into the We: NOW WITH REASONING AND JOY (instead as before, just joyful but not thoughtworking too); THEIR MIND doesn’t chant heart’s yesses into the world an earth.It sits there, wants to become big, and will become a big big bladder full of stinking autocommiseration = undigested emotional lumps, And when it pops, all aroung will be stinking. And woeful.And now the two worlds have to come together… and those old stiff mis-anthrohops – mis-sogenists (unable to lie lovingly weaving and afterwards joy-bless the room and the mate//.. THOSE HALFLINGS grown even more old and unbearabel and poisonoues essences… THOSE OLD PAEDOPHILES, being alwas „good“ to just themselves…old paedo-friendly…..
    _____________I DO THIS, and the fuck what the other being feels! I WANT IT to be miserable from MY hand / „power over it“‚!!!! ______________________THEY MISSED THE CLASS AND THE LESSON: to walk THROUGH the Ego between two states of perfect love: for the enormous „god within“, your warm inner beingness, 
    and the All-spaceand God meeting with himself pleasantly, as you and I sit together and look into the beautiful valley while the sun sinks and other birds make themselves heard, and we embrace it with our whole hearts.And time and space become one dear taste of being.
  • Sorry, but I really did not understand this. 
  • Please excuse my definitely poor english!!
  • No problem. 
  • That we are in a kind of dream/ illusion is the basic teaching of buddhism and hinduism so I wouldn’t call it „not popular“, maybe not as common now, but a lot of humans on the planet have heard about it , no?. Its  also called maya. And no, according to what I read in many books, soul and ego are usually not used for the same concept. Ego is egoistic but some level of ego is necessary to incarnate in flesh. Soul usually is used as a concept for that key part that remains after death and reincarnates so different from the ego self. Thats the way it appears in many old teachings 
  • According to Ramana Maharishi there is no birth or death in the dream. The soul, individual self and ego are synonymous. The whole idea of Self Realization is to dissolve the ego(little me) back into the Self/One/Source.  A person can very easily live without the ego as he and other awakened beings have shown.   If you believe you are an individual then there is reincarnation, but it is still all an illusion. Once someone Self Realizes, the cycle of birth, death and rebirth ends. 
    These are the teachings of Advaita Vedanta. They are not my ideas or opinions.  I have not yet realized the truth, but that is what I am striving for.  And, no, I don’t think these are popular beliefs.  Not many want their egos to die.
  • I got into the flow of it! “ and time and space become one dear taste of being“ oh how LOVELY. The cadence is reminiscent of Whitman. How evocative. Go heartfully!
  • a grateful huuuuuuug
    Please take me a little bit into you culture and give me the full name of this writer/poet. (Walt?)
    I once owned a copy of The Norton Anthology of Poetry, found during a travel to Scotland.. and I enjoyed it so much.. William Blake turned out to be my „special love“, William and Catherine <.

    And yes for „the flow“: those things can be written only in a different manner. If you read them without letting them their own movement, you cannot „understand“. TRUE! Because it’s a piece of feeling, and not an analysis. Somehow..
    Our dearly loved fairy tales need but two words, and we all are sitting there, listening like flowers attentively weaving all colours of sentiments and perfumes of feelings. We are so beautiful in this state. It’s kind of „the other prayer“….




Wonder how many members who post here are NPC.  
  • Why would they bother?
  • Interesting thought!
  • Mary, are you? (I don’t think so.) See how nasty and divisive that question is? Clearly a soulless NPC majority is not an idea that is meant for the good of human souls. It is evil. It sows doubt and discord and weakens the spiritual human collective. Henceforth, I pledge to contradict it. I am done with it. 
I was also quite surprised to hear 75% are w/o a soul. I am an “outside the box “ thinker so hear me out… 
There is a saying that our world is run by the 80/20 rule. Meaning 80% of the work being done on the planet is by 20% of the population. This 80/20 rule fits into many categories. Business owners know that 80% of the work comes from 20% of their employees. We wear 20% of our wardrobe….get the drift??  What if at this time on the planet that those light workers that really carry the light are here to assist in this planetary ascension and all that’s necessary is 25% because they are so powerful. I recall hearing that an awakened being holds so much more light than an unawakened one by a huge amount. What if at this time, there are only us “worker bee starseeds” here to get the job done????  
I know this sounds wacky, but it’s how I think sometimes. 😂😜😉
  • Interesting thoughts. I enjoyed your perspective. 🤔


Sometimes I feel two types of NPC. Those who are seemingly drugged, sluggish, attached to their phone, and when they do snap to, their behavior is chaotic, negatively disruptive. Then, another type I notice are highly effective in their work, spend inordinate amounts of time creating order and I’d say sterility in their home life, oblivious to big picture but super attuned to a picture out of place. Both types seem unmoved by others feelings or world view, complete lack of empathy outside of their bubble. For the productive type, that bubble gets pretty big. My litmus test is usually something like this: can you engage? Do you seem to be mostly reactive? How oblivious are you? Do you create novel ly rather than rely on critiquing others‘ creations exclusively? Are you someone who over uses the phrase “ I can’t think about that“. I tend to connect with those who are the wind and not breezy.

All I said above, I realize may be coping mechanisms, but if I can eat off your floor, or get „huh?“ when I ask what’s on the floor, I may suspect you. LOL


According to SIRI, there are 7.6 billion people on earth.  Not sure how that number was established but then what’s 75% of that? Too many 0’s for me to do that in my head.
  • 5.7 billion.
  • And why do we have to believe this, anyway?
  • And how can we be sure that 5.7 billion people are part of the 75%? How can we be sure of Val Nek simply counting the same as SIRI? I believe even J has noted in the past that we are not sure there are inhabitants on undiscovered areas of earth? The whole numbers thing is impossible to prove, right?


i was shocked when they said about 40% so 75% is wild.. would that include the children of the no souls adults also  therefore there is a possibility of this if its been going on for eons. the future states not many people on the planet in the future. i wonder if this has something to do with it.. the flash is supposed to be the reason to take them all down.. it is really a large number.. and unbelievable but how much crazy stuff is coming up lately… its an upside down world for sure.. sooo we take each day…. 



The 8 billion figure is a huge overestimation in my opinion. I think of the ‘soulless’ as characters in a computer simulation who are creating a narrative to test the participants in the game who are all avatars with a ‘soul’, that is an entity in another realm who has chosen (or been compelled) to come here to be tested. So in some sense we’re in a simulation of the world we came from. Some of us are here for the first time and some have been here many times before. An additional thought that occurred to me recently is that the people we have lost have the option of coming back as another person in our family or even a pet which knows where it’s from and what’s going on here but is unable to express that to us (or we’re unable to understand). This is what I’ve believed for the last few decades and the last three years have pretty much confirmed this for me. I once met a man on a train who told me about his life which seemed tragic and difficult but he was one of the happiest people I’ve ever met. The challenge had uplifted him rather than grinding him down. He quoted ‘All’s for the best in the best of all possible worlds’ and this has stayed with me ever since. I was meant to meet him. I’m sure you’ve all met people who had this impact on you after only a brief meeting.


I think it’s also clones, non terrestrials and demonic possessed at birth. 


@__ Thank you for posting this. I was so shocked at learning from Megan Rose via Val Nek that 75% of the people on earth are NPC’s, what Dolores Cannon called Background People, that I watched her video twice. Your post got so many comments I hope Jdoes a reading on it. I am a Health Professional with 45 years experience, 23 years in Nursing and 24 years in Mental Health/Counselling. I have been trying to work out why so many of the Medical profession have been brainwashed by the Covid Scamdemic and the Covid jabs, when none of the rest of us (Starseeds presumably) were. Are these Doctors stupid, compromised, fearful of what? If they are in fact NPC’s, and I wouldn’t doubt this for a second based on the 100’s that I’ve met in my career, this would explain everything. What does everyone else think? Love from Brisbane, Australia
  • I agree with you that many of them are NPC’s.  We know that some of them do it for the money. I just want this whole thing to be over already !  I’m so tired.


I’ve always felt it was high, my whole life I’ve found it really hard to really connect & resonate with ppl and I thought something was wrong with me. Megan said that Val Nek said because of the number being so high, we shouldn’t give our power away to  NPCs since we are giving it to nothing. When your intuition because more heightened you can tell who your wasting your time on, attempting to awaken. Plus, not ONE person wakes ppl up, it’s a series of events, phases, circumstances, & spiritual experiences that awaken ppl and it happens over phases.

  • Your initial description of your feelings pertains to me as well.  100%.


Not all NPCs have „no soul“.


For me all thats BS, sorry. Its easy to spread that kind of narrative to convince us all is  fine about the depopulation agendas or having no compassion for those who suffer. Besides, Galactic Federation is not on humanity’s side , they are many many indicators about that.  I would add to that I never found a good definition of what „soul“ is, and also no, its not the same as „ego“ or „individual self“. Ego disappears at death while soul remains for example.  Not resonating at all, might be some truth in it but certainly not allowing to put 80% of humans to the garbage can, thats completely and obviously  in alignement with the dark agendas. Non playing fine, maybe, soulless-no. You have to be careful about every word is being used nowadays. Anyway, not resonating at all, the closest I can get with is Magenta Pixie who talks in different terms about individuation 
  •  Agreed. Throughout history the powerful have marginalized the „underclass,“ women, foreigners, jews, blacks, etc., as having no soul. Pretty handy way to excuse doing whatever you want to people.
  • Sonia, you have a lot to learn and you are incorrect in your assessments!!! Everyone has compassion for those who suffer


If you discovered you were an NPC and would only be able to continue as such in this world till enough ‘soul-possessors’ realised what you were, wouldn’t you try to eliminate those playing characters who are threatening your existence? I remember listening to a TED talk by Nick Bostrom (Oxford Professor of the Future of Humanity or some such) on the likelihood that we’re living in a simulation. He was pretty convinced we are. He said as a character in the game the last thing we should do is make this known to the game controllers as this would make them reset the program and start again. A bit late for that now, Nick. (Don’t want to be rude about him, but he comes across as an AI clone to me.😬)
  • Despite having posted this myself, I must admit to feeling a bit sceptical as it seems to feed into the deep state get-out clause of ‘None of it is real so we’ve done nothing bad – it’s all game-playing.’ So who knows? I wish I did.
  • Yes , that we are characters in a simulation is just another way to completely disempower us. Btw, Elon said something very similar at a time. Its actually a dark distortion and turning upside down (as they do with everything) of more deep teachings that do say Maya is a part of God’s creation, but its just Maya, and actually it is a teaching playground, but that in short is meaning the material is dual and not so important, compared to who we really are. Which are infinite beings and integral part of God itself. Thats a short way to put it.
  • I consider the idea of creating a character in a game a mirror of what you do at incarnation. You „create your character“ before you incarnate the same way you might create a character for a D&D campaign. The D&D campaign is a mirror of what actually happens at the soul level. You have experiences, you gather companions, you go on adventures, you grow as a result. There are NPCs in the D&D campaign. These beings help you along logistically. They provide you with services you need to survive. They are quest-givers. They are people in distress. Sometimes…an NPC becomes a character all on its own because of your interactions together.The character sheet for D&D is an analogy for your incarnated body (stats) and your Akashic record (character level & growth).

    As above so below.

    The idea that all of this is a simulation–a game–doesn’t have to mean that it holds no meaning. All actions in this soul-driven „D&D campaign“ we’re in have great meaning and great effect beyond the physical. It matters, but being able to see that this is at some level a „game“ also makes it easier to accept that you will have challenges and those challenges can be overcome.

  • This is really interesting to hear the perspective of a D&D player. I’ve never played games myself but I get the analogy. By the way, did you see the 1990s game ‘Omikron’ introduced by David Bowie made by Bill Gates apparently. Weirdly prescient.
  •  I didn’t, but I went and read the plot of the game. Wow, talk about disclosure. Game was made by „Quantic Dream“ (Quantum Dream?) Things that make me think ETs are having fun putting Easter eggs in reality for humans to find. 😁

Woraus folgt, wenn Sie jemanden heißmachen wollen, reden Sie ihn gringschätzig als NPC an, schimpfen Sie ihn einen Seelenlosen, also inSOferne Unterbemittelten, sprechen Sie von Ihnen ungenehmen Politikern als Klonen, die deren Wärter abzuschalten vergessen hat und überdies mangelhaft programmierte, und so weiter.



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